Friday, August 21, 2009

The vampire chronicles

The sleep is something I wait for. It never seems to come. The rain is constant now, and I sit here waiting, hoping that at some point the mind will rest. The breeze through the window feels good and reminds me that it's not all bad. There are some cool things one gets to experience at 4:18 in the morning. I listen as cars and trucks come up and down the street. With the rain on the road I can hear them for blocks. Closer, closer, and then the whine of the tires past the window loud as a rocket, and then the sound trails off in the distance, and all I can hear is the rain again. I could probably come up with some crazy good explanation on why I can't sleep at the moment, and I would guess the real reason is that I have not had any alcohol since Sunday. Vampires need blood in order to rest. No blood, no rest. I feel it's good to "dry out", a little detox never hurt anybody, right? I also blame craigslist. That site is like everything I could ever want, and more all in one, all the time, 24-7, shit! Just check out the free section, and you will know what I mean. I also blame programs like finalcutpro. That fucking thing is a nightmare, but the kind you have every night, over and over again till your project is finished, but the project is never finished. I would also like to report that I have been skating on the ankle and though it's mighty tender after the sesh it still seems to work fine. I hope to have some new content on the web sight soon so look for that shit @ Well, I forgot that I need to alter a video for the new site or Neil will have He will have my love. So, on that note. I leave you with this thought. WWGD?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Red Bull Bailout

I can't say why I haven't posted these yet, but here they are.
None of these are labeled, because I'm terrible with names and that's how it is.